Category: My Articles

“Leaders Never Cry”

I ended my last article with a question: “Who should show empathy to leaders?” Before I share my views on the answer, I would like […]

7 June 2024

Leadership and Empathy

What is ‘Empathic Leadership’? When we blend `empathy` with the concept of `leader`, we are talking about a manager’s ability to put themselves in their […]

27 May 2024

Leadership Styles

In my previous article, we explored the diverse skillsets, prioritization methods, time management strategies, and success criteria required across various Leadership Levels. So, does transitioning […]

30 April 2024

Leadership Levels

In today’s fast-changing business world, where new technologies and global events constantly reshape the landscape, it’s crucial to rethink some of the core concepts. One […]

27 April 2024

Destiny? Determination?

In this article, I would like to introduce you to Ulaş (left) and Arda (right)… Their story impressed me from the first moment I heard […]

20 November 2015